:: hiccupy::
Dengan NamaMu YaAllah,
Pengatur Sekelian Alam..
sedu sedan
Lately sy kerap hiccup. Hiccup = sedu.
Hari ini shj (29 may), sudah 3 sessi hiccup. Pg, tengahari, malam.
hiasan semata2.
Kalau baby yg hiccup, itu mmg comel. Tp bg sy yg, ehem. (hehe) it dusnt look (or sound) nice at all.
Mitos2 yg sy dengar, hiccup adalah kerana tidak cukup oksigen didalam badan. Benarkah.?
setiap perkara pasti ada penyebabnya.
Oleh kerana rasa ingin tahu mengatasi tugas utk study, chemistry ditinggalkan seketika, dan, “shbt” karib sy hubungi.
Wahai mr google, whats the cause of hiccup.?
Serta merta, mr google yg baik hati meberikan jawapannya.
Rupa2nya hiccup ni disebabkan pengecutan mengejut otot diafragma didalam rongga thorax kita. Baru sy tahu. Simple. Bila diaphgram mengecut, udara akan masuk ke dalam paru2. Sedutan udara yg byk scr mengejut ini menyebabkan injap (is it called injap?) pada peti suara (vocal chord) kita tertutup sedikit, and, taraa~ , menghasilkan hiccup. Halus, kecil dan sedikit langsing bunyinya.
External intercoastal muscle contract,
Ribcage moves forward and upward,
Diaphragm flatten, thorax volume increase, preassure inside thorax decrease, air inhaled.
Hehe, itu iklan shj. Dpt juga sy “revise” biology unit 2B sy. ;D
tapi kenapa?
Anyway,. Persoalannya; apakah yg menyebabkan otot diaphgram sy ini mengecut pada kadar yg tak menentu.? mengapa impuls sy sedikit kurang stabil hingga menyebabkan ianya menghantar arahan pd difragma sy utk megecut?
Bukan sekali2, ttp, lebih kerap dr biasa. (huhu)
So, again, mr google mberikan jawapannya..
Eating spicy food.
Spicy food may cause irritation to the nerves that control normal contractions of your diaphragm.
owh iyakah? Sy sgt gilakan spicy food. ;D
Eating a large meal, drinking carbonated beverages or swallowing air.
These can cause your stomach to expand (distend), which pushes up your diaphragm, making hiccups more likely.
kelakar pula term “cause your stomach to expand” hehe.. anyway, how is the word LARGE defined as? Owho.. lately xdelah mkn byk sgt, plus carbonated beverages sudah sgt lama ditinggalkan.
Drinking alcohol.
Alcohol can relax your diaphragm and vocal cords, making it easier for other factors to trigger hiccups.
yang ini, mustahil lah…
Sudden temperature changes.
A quick change in temperature, either inside or outside your body, such as drinking hot liquids and then cold liquids or your shower water switching suddenly from hot to cold, can set off hiccups.
aha! Mungkin juga. Lately cuaca sgt panas.. maka sy pun kerap mandi. Sudden temperature change kut…
Tobacco use.
Tobacco use may irritate the nerves that controls the diaphragm (phrenic nerves), causing hiccups.
ini lagi. Nehi2
Sudden excitement or emotional stress.
Although it's not clear why stress or sudden excitement causes hiccups, it may be due to the effect being startled has on one of the nerves involved in the hiccup reflex (vagus nerves).
oops… emotional stress..? I guess I am stress out with my exams afterall.. :P
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