Archive for Sep 18, 2008

posted by ~ n.u.u.r ~ on

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:: 17 Ramadhan ::

With The Name Of Allah...
Selawat dan salam atas junjungan besar nabi muhammad

17 ramadhan, alhamdulillah, Allah telah menghadiahkan sy dgn pengisian yg sgt bermakna..

8.15 ~bgn pg. (ehhee.. ok lah tu kan...)
8.30 ~bgn2 bersih diri.. ttba ringan bdn nk menggosok jubah n tudung
9.00 ~dpt panggilan dr brithers jemput ke dewan semina cemara. talk ustaz hasrizal. waa... :D
9.30 ~bergerak ke dewan dgn gumbira
1.30 ~habis sesi talk. sgt bersyukur di hadirkan diri.
2.30 ~bengkel sambungan talk.
4.00 ~tamat bengkel
5.30 ~bergerak ke masjid shah alam.. buat halaqah n jalan2 di sekitar msjid.
7.18 ~buka puasa. :D
7.30 ~tgk2 gerai di dlm msjid. oopss.... ternampak jubah itam yg best. tp... nk beli ke tak ye?
9.30 ~akhirnya beli jugak jubah tu dgn harga yg sgt reasonable. rm50 shj. =)
9.45 ~sakinah belanja dadih yg sedap. nyammhhh..
~sambung halaqah.
10.30 ~bergambar2 .. dan pulang ke akasia..
12.00 ~hanyut di alam mimpi.....

sungguh. what a very wonderful day... :)

guys,... enjoy da pics!

kak firdausi + afi dan abah

dis is wat i lurve bout photography!

antara kegembiraan mereka yg berpuasa.. =)

ms paling srunuk : sblum berbuka.

da gurls. my gurls. ;)

owh ya.

sblm tu.
terlupa plak.

tgh jln2. terjumpa bilik yg sgt special.

maka, dgn tiba2 shj mereka ni jd excited.


da gurls
esp me. (hehe)

apekah bilik istimewa tersebut?



heheheee..... buleh kan?

undur diri,
sinar penghormatan

p/s: waktu yg ditype adlh anggaran kasar shj. ya..

posted by ~ n.u.u.r ~ on , ,

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In The Name Of Allah....

21 September 2008
IELTS Speaking Test
11:15 am

envigelator : MERCY THOMAS.

oopss... 2 days to go for my IELTS : International English Language Testing System Speaking test.
the "mercy thomas" part was the one that actually kind a freak me out. hoho..

I'll be sitting for the remaining 3 papers, that is, reading, writing and listening on 27 September, yup, this saturday...

Do Pray for me ya.. i'am targeting for band 7 and above. (well, I HAVE to!)
or else, i need to re-sit, and pay the fee with my own money. (this time, JPA sponsoured. thanx JPA ^_^)

well, how much it coost actually.?

rm700. yup.

crazy huh? just for 4 papers.

hmm.... okeylah. thats all for now.. :)

hope this IELTS thingy really opens the doors and creates opurtunities.. for me and my friends.. amien!

untill then,
sinar penghormatan