Lagi skali.. lama dah kan aku tak tulis kat sinih!! No. no.. bukan lupa password.. Cuma, saje jee Maleh lak nak get online. Biarlah, nak rehat sket..~ I need time to relax man! Org kate, absence makes da love grows fonder. X gitu???? :D betul what~ Klu tiap2 hari aku tulis kat sini.. everday balas ur email …. And aku yg Tanya kabar ko….~~~ u wont feel the importance of my presence. But once I disappear form da worLD~~ (just for let se.. 3 days onli??) Leaving no news behind~~ MUahAhAH Baru nak email2 org yeh!! Saje je sampai penuh aku nye inbox! Byklaa punye fiel yee.. grrrrr. Nak kene babab nih!! hahahaha Xpelaa. At least I know dat deres sumone who do care about me. And not pretending~~ pura2 je kan? :P X kesahlaa inveisible kee visible kee.. Trimas eniwey.. Sebenanye~ Aku nyepi from dunia cyber and dunia tel. Klu yg penting2 je ill reply~ MauahAHah padan muke korang eh…(referring to my visible friend) :P Kaget ke aku x miss call korang?? OOooOoooO.. dah xde baru carik aku yer. Masa ada.. tak layan … Dibuatnye aku dah innalillah dah sekarang.... x nyesal ke…. Hehehehehe Bio aku torture korang pepuas. Asyik2 aku je yg kene.. mana aci/~!! Eh, elok2 lak aku tgh denga lagu Friends. Alaa. Friends yg kt tv tu.. “ill be dere for u.. koz ull be there for me too~~” :D macam tau2 je kan! waOOo miracle~ enough laa pasa; tu.. apa yg pasti, aku tgh “tsenyum manis” (kehkehekeh) skerang nih :P . ko pun ,, cepat… cepat!! “senyum manis” gak laaaa!!! eeeehh mestila suke when dpt buat org susah hati kan?? Hahahahha I hope ull tahan from memarahi aku, koz tak gune nyer…. Sesia tau.. aku akan terus wat kerja gila aku tu!! Aalaa marah laa marah .. nanti aku suro adek ko babab ko.. nak???? X pon, aku menghilang lagi kang… kelam kabut ko nanti, aku tak jamin ye…!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxx ~~invifriends~~ I aGreE~!!! :D xxxxxxxxxxx |
posted by ~ n.u.u.r ~
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