posted by ~ n.u.u.r ~ on


:: pilihan ::

Dengan Namamu YaAllah yang menganugerahkan kepetahan kata2..
Selawat dan salam atas Junjungan Besar Muhammad s.a.w.



i was thinking on buying an external hard disk.
laptop mcm dah berat dgn segala jenis gambar2 program n , ofcourse movie yg disedut . (ihihii..)
x urgent, just, thinking of buying one.

shud i buy da 160 GB= RM 150+
or yg 200+ GB punya = RM 219 ..?

or,,, x pyh langsung beli. j
ust tunggu until i really2 need it.
adakah ianya termasuk dlm kes pembaziran IF i buy it now..?

siannye.. x fsl2 mickey yg pening kepala . hhehe..

Speaking test

owh ya. my speaking test is at 11.15am today.!
(now its 8.47am)

thanks kpd mereka yg mendoakan sy. ^_^

mcm biasa..
deres no secret recepie. i just av to believe in myself.
yes, i believe,
i believe in Allah
i believe in myslef.

i believe in you.
yes.. i do.

speaking on da way,
sinar penghormatan